Monday, February 11, 2013

Post 2

Before taking this class, I didn't realize how important font types were. I always figured that Times New Roman was the typical font used, because that was what appeared in most newspapers and periodicals. Personally, I was never too fond of this font. I find it to be rather boring and unexciting. I used to select a font based on what I thought looked nice. For example, I was always fond of Arial, because I thought it looked simple yet elegant.

However, now I realize that so much more goes into creating and selecting fonts. After watching the film, Helvetica, I see the positives and the negatives that go along with a popular font type like that. It definitely has its uses. There is a time and a place for everything, even fonts like Comic Sans. The font you choose can make or break whatever you are trying to create. Sometimes, it is best to play around with the font and the words you are using.

Another thing about font type that I found to be particularly interesting were all the rules and proper uses we were shown in class on Thursday. There were some rules that I appreciated, and others that I found pointless. I was surprised to see all the different elements that go into creating a proper design.

Something that I never knew and find very cool is that you can change the kerning between letters. I've had the issue before when I write in all caps and the spacing between letters looks funny. How cool is it that now I know how to fix this! I look forward to learning much more interesting things I can do with my designs.

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