Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Post 5

When first introduced to exercise one, I was both a little excited and a little nervous. Firstly, I was nervous because I have never used the Adobe Illustrator program before. I had just gotten sort of used to how InDesign worked, so starting a new design program got my nerves going. However, it seems as though illustrator and indesign have many of the same features and shortcuts.

The assignment seemed strange to me at first. Recreate an image using only rectangles? Hmm... How do I go about this? I began playing around with different sized rectangles and placing them in different angles and such. I found that there is not much variety I could show except for color, size, and placement. Using these three elements, how can I recreate this painting without distorting too far away from the original photo?

Something I found difficult while recreating the photograph was understanding the actual picture. How can you begin to redesign something without knowing what the artist was trying to say? When I look at the original photo, I see a body that was twisted and distorted looking. To recreate this, I'll start with the head and work my way down. Another challenge to this exercise, is the limited number of rectangles we're allowed. The first time I did the exercise, I had way over 20 rectangles. Now the really hard part will be eliminating rectangles but keeping the image that I have created.

I will post an updated blog with a picture when I am finished with this exercise!

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