Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Post 16

There have been many incidences, where Disney, has been accused of putting inappropriate messages in their designs. When I first heard about these, I wasn't convinced, but after doing some research I found that their are in fact some inappropriate images in many of their films. The most talked about, is the cover of The Little Mermaid. The controversy is that there is an oddly shaped structure on the castle, closely resembling a penis. Disney, and the designer of the cover, insist it was an accident, resulting from a rushed final product. Ironically, (or not), this was not the only instance where Disney did something like this.

As mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, I am always interested in hearing about conspiracies in the world. I read about the "Disney conspiracy". I found so many different accusations against the images that have been used throughout many of these children movies. It really makes you think, were the designers really that careless to make these "mistakes" so often, or were these inappropriate images placed there on purpose. Below I will show some of the most obvious "mistakes" I found.

This is from the children's movie, "The Rescuers". If this is a film rated PG, why are there a women's naked breasts in the window?

This is the cover to "The Little Mermaid", and as you can see, this outlined part of the castle, doesn't look so castle like.

Here is a scene from the Lion King, where the stars clearly say that word sex.

Here is the cover for the Lion King, and you can see that the shape of his head is resembling the back side of a woman.

Now, it's up to you to decide if these are people coming up with crazy conspiracies, or if this is really a poor design job on Disney's part. If it is, Disney definitely needs a new graphic designer!

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