Thursday, May 9, 2013

Post 9

After taking this class, I've come to look at all aspects of graphic design in a new light. I find myself critiquing different ads and posters I see around me. For example, some of the posters I see hanging around campus really bother me. They don't look like they were created by anyone who has taken this class. What I mean by that, is that often the color schemes are all over the place, fonts don't speak what the poster is trying to say, or even as obvious as a horrible kerning job.

In the beginning weeks of the semester, we watched the film "Helvetica". At this point in the course, I thought this was a huge exaggeration. Turns out, its not! Helvetica is used more often than any other font out there. Many companies use this font in their logo, or even as the awning of their store front. Once you are aware of something like this, you begin to see it over and over again. This gets a bit repetitive. I get that there are many properties of Helvetica that make it a good font to use in many situations, but sometimes I'd like to see something else.

Personally, I've used Helvetica in only one project this year. By using InDesign, I was able to test out many different fonts, and find the one that best fits my objective. The project in which I have chosen to use Helvetica for was the poster. The reason I thought Helvetica was a good choice here was because of the bold statement I was making. "DRINKING AND DRIVING ONLY LEADS TO A DEAD END". What better way is there to make this statement, other than the infamous...

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